Friday, January 22, 2010

*insert smiley face here*

After months of what I thought were non positive OPK, I finally decided to pick up a digital. J. looked at my non-digital test this morning and was convinced it was positive. I was not convinced.

After work we stopped by CVS where I paid almost $40 (thank goodness for the FSA Visa card!) for a kit of 7 digital OPK. Came home, did both the digital and the cheapie.

3 minutes later...A BIG HAPPY SMILEY FACE! The cheapie still looked slightly off to me. But all my signs are in alignment and there was just no way I wasn't getting ready to O.

Last night was AI Orientation. It's looking like things are going to work out. Right now our plan is to have our first insemination in April and do one at home and one IUI at the clinic. Now I need to get my medical tests done so that I can get medical clearance. Once that happens we can order the sperm!

It feels like a huge weight has been lifted now that I know I can really truly get a positive!!!

Oh and FF was like heck no you didn't ovulate on day 11. Our bad.

Monday, January 18, 2010


There is nothing like a glorious Monday where I don't have to go to work. Luckily J. doesn't have to either! Our plans to relax the day away are underway!

A little frustrated with FF today who thinks I may have ovulated on the 11th, well before any time I have ovulated in the past! I have a feeling my temps are up because I slept in until 6 the past three days, taking my temperature later than normal. I'm looking forward to next month and using my new fertility monitory to help pinpoint ovulation. We have our orientation this week and I hope to do our first insemination in March! Hopefully our finances will be able to support two inseminations a month, one vaginally and one IUI.

I'm waiting for J. to get back from Best Buy (because she just has to have a new game). Afterwards we'll have some breakfast and enjoy this lazy day together.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Spending $$

Right before January 1 I received my bright shiny new FSA Visa card in the mail! I had a tough time trying to determine how much I wanted to put aside and ended up choosing $2,000. I'm sure I'll be spending more in FSA eligible purchases over the course of the year, but hey, at least it's $2000 pre-tax that I'm spending.

Soooo...I decided to make my first purchase! I bought the Clearview Easy Fertility Monitor, some test strips and some prenatal vitamins, all on Good prices, free shipping, plus they keep all my FSA eligible purchases tracked!

I have read nothing but good things about the CEFM and I figured if I'm doing this then I'm going to do it right. I just started my cycle so I won't get a chance to try it until the beginning of February. I was hoping to have our first insemination February or March so I won't have a lot of time to work with it.

Other than that 2010 has been pretty great so far. J. and I are living our life just the way we want to, low stress. I'm going to do my best to carry this through the adventure coming up!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year

Here we are, the first day of another new year. Like many other people I have already thought about the changes I am going to make this year. 2010 is going to be a simpler year and I'm looking forward to it.

Last night at a NYE party I was talking with a friend of mine who will start trying to get pregnant this month. I felt a little freakish for knowing so much and offering so much advice, but she has the benefit of a readily available supply of sperm so all my advice isn't terribly important. I hope I didn't stress her out more than she already was with all my doom and gloom. But not doom and gloom in 2010! I am going to surround myself with positivity and love. As J. said, if 2009 was the year of us 2010 will be the year of friends. Can't wait.