Thursday, July 29, 2010

10 DPO

And the spotting has begun.

I generally have a short LP, so it isn't crazy to spot today and get AF tomorrow. I was hoping the B6 would have helped some with the LP.

Even though I have pretty much given up on this cycle due to the spotting, I can't help but feel like there is the tiniest, tiniest chance it could be implantation spotting due to the insane soreness of my boobs. But I'm not holding out much hope.

I have been trying to avoid everything ttc and baby related during the tww, so I haven't been keeping up on blogs but it sure did make the wait slightly more bearable. I found I didn't obsess over every little thing my body did and was actually able to make it to 7 or 8 DPO before I started fretting. So go me!

August is a busy month, with both of our birthdays and our wedding anniversary all squished into 9 days. We'll be in NYC the first weekend of August, so if this cycle does end up being a bust I'll be sure to enjoy myself with my wife.

I hope you are all safe and healthy and I'm looking forward to moving past this month, making some choices about our ttc future, and catching up on all of your lives!

Sunday, July 11, 2010


I've been trying to avoid TTC and baby related things lately. I wanted to give myself (and J) a little break. I do appreciate all the comments and advice on the last post. I'll be back to reading and commenting shortly.

But I wanted to pop in and give you all the address to the wife's brand new food blog! She is an amazingly talented cook and photographer! Please visit her at and feel free to comment away!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Another BFN

Woke up to AF at 5:40 am on Saturday. It was even more upsetting since I was with the pregnant best friend and went from "maybe being pregnant" to knowing that I wasn't. This month I had my shortest cycle and LP ever, 26 and 9. This has me slightly concerned about my progesterone levels and I think I'll try B6 this month.

After talking it over with the wife, we decided to try 2 IUIs this month with our same donor. This will exhaust what is left of my FSA. If that try doesn't work we will look at new donors and I'll also contact my insurance company regarding infertility coverage. The coverage begins after a year of being unsuccessful, but I don't know if they are going to require 12 IUIs since I am not partnered with a male. It seems that proof of ordered sperm should be good enough to be considered a failed cycle, but we all know insurance companies are in the business of being helpful. I certainly don't want to skip any IUIs if they will be necessary, but financially it would be nice to try to do a few home insems.

Now we prepare for another month of peeing on sticks, turning on monitors, ordering sperm and making appointments.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


In a little over an hour my best friend will be here and our vacation will officially begin! We will be getting up wicked early to try and beat the traffic. Then we will spend our weekend relaxing! I can't even wait to put my floppy hat and sunglasses on and sit my butt at the beach.

In TWW news, there are moments where my body feels completely foreign and I think I must be pregnant. Then at other moments I'm completely normal. I'm currently 8 DPO and if I don't get AF this weekend I'll be testing on Monday. I'm going to try to keep a positive attitude!

I hope everybody has a beautiful weekend!