Sunday, September 20, 2009


Apparently bloggin in my basement on a lazy Sunday is becoming a tradition. Horror movie, check! Laundry, check!

Charting has been a little frustrating lately. I know it is only my first month and I need to have a number of months under my belt in order to really show any sort of pattern, but I have had lots of tell tale O signs and no positive OPK. I'm blaming it on my fact that I have only tested once a day and that I probably missed my surge. I've had some really fertile CM and a few hours of light spotting. My temp went up yesterday and while it is not as high today, it seems higher than the norm. So after a few more days of temping hopefully FF will help me pinpoint ovulation.

We have our orientation for the AI program we are going through on Thursday night and I'm so excited! I love coming home with lots of information to read!

Off to finish the laundry and enjoy a nice October beer!

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