And the spotting has begun.
I generally have a short LP, so it isn't crazy to spot today and get AF tomorrow. I was hoping the B6 would have helped some with the LP.
Even though I have pretty much given up on this cycle due to the spotting, I can't help but feel like there is the tiniest, tiniest chance it could be implantation spotting due to the insane soreness of my boobs. But I'm not holding out much hope.
I have been trying to avoid everything ttc and baby related during the tww, so I haven't been keeping up on blogs but it sure did make the wait slightly more bearable. I found I didn't obsess over every little thing my body did and was actually able to make it to 7 or 8 DPO before I started fretting. So go me!
August is a busy month, with both of our birthdays and our wedding anniversary all squished into 9 days. We'll be in NYC the first weekend of August, so if this cycle does end up being a bust I'll be sure to enjoy myself with my wife.
I hope you are all safe and healthy and I'm looking forward to moving past this month, making some choices about our ttc future, and catching up on all of your lives!
Q2: Choosing A Sperm Donor
4 years ago