Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday night

There is nothing quite like a Friday night....

Went to my doctor on Monday and had to get my second pap (my first one was short on tissue). Also brought all the medical forms I needed signed. She ordered up my bloodwork and I went and took care of that today. In about a week I should have all the medical records that I need to bring with me to our appointment on March 10th!

Once I find out my CMV status we can start picking out some swimmers. The clinic we are using requires a CMV negative donor if you test negative. Obviously if I am negative this greatly reduces our selection, so we are waiting to choose a bank after we know what kind of selection we will need.

January was a great charting month and I can only help that future months are as clear cut!

We are going to visit my family next weekend and I'm looking forward to spending some time with them. It is my hope that when we finally figure out we're preggers that we can go tell them in person, but we'll see.

I'm off to putz around on the internet while the wife sleeps soundly beside me. G'night!


  1. Hi just came across your blog. My partner and I have been ttc now for a little over a year and are about to start ivf soon. Good luck with your ttc process hopefully you will have a bfp in 2010.

  2. Thanks for the comment! I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you and your family! And I'm looking forward to following you through your blog!
