Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy almost New Year!

Spent a few days in Vegas and between the time change and getting a nasty cold my temping went all wacko. In addition I didn't even get to test. So who knows what happened this month? That seems to be my pattern, one good month and one messed up month.

But 2010 is going to bring a different lifestyle and I'm looking forward to it!

Now I'm off to enjoy the rest of my vacation with J. We don't have to go back to work until Monday and I'm going to enjoy every second.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

And almost another month between posts. Awesome.

I'll try to use the craziness of the holidays as an excuse. Thanksgiving, then I was away at a conference, and now we are trying to get through holiday parties, including our own, and think about what we need to do for our trip to Vegas. But 2010 is going to be different. Because 2009 was entirely too busy for my liking!

Had what seemed like a good month of charting, at least temperature wise. OPK are still a bust! We'll be heading to the AI Orientation on 1/21 and making our appointments to go over my charts shortly afterwards, so hopefully we can get a professional opinion. J. and I talked about it and I am pretty sure we are going to do two inseminations each cycle. Although it is costly I think we will save money in the long run. Luckily I just received a promotion and raise so the monthly costs aren't as out of reach as they previously seemed.

But now it is off to bed to face another insanely busy week. I am looking forward to our upcoming trip and the relaxation during the week to follow!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Wow. Just barely into blogging and I've already fallen behind.

Nothing much to report. My last cycle was all over the place so who knows if I ovulated. This cycle is a bust so far because I've had the flu for the last week so temping was impossible. The biggest disappointment is that we had to reschedule our AI orientation due to me being sick, which means there won't be another one until January. Which just pushes back the start of our inseminations. But such is life. Just more time to chart and get myself healthy.

With the holidays quickly approaching I anticipate things will be crazy. Hopefully I can keep up with charting and blogging!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

So we got J. on here! Hooray!

Things have been kind of slow lately. I was sick over the weekend and it messed with my sleeping/temps but everything looks ok now and I believe I actually ovulated! I was kinda bummed I didn't get a positive OPK but I know that can happen. I'll just try to time my testing better next month.

We leave on Saturday for a week long cruise to Bermuda and I couldn't be more excited. Although I'll have my period (most likely) at least I won't have to wake up at 5:15 to temp!

Here is to more happy temps and an amazing vacation. We both really need this.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Frustration 2.0

After only a few days of charting for the first time [or Beta Testing as I like to call it] S. seems to be getting easily discouraged. I'm trying to convince her she needs to be a bit more patient with these things, and I think deep down she knows she does. It's just when she's got her mind set on something - she wants it and she wants it NOW! It's actually quite adorable.

Alas, I know that *not knowing* is becoming a little frustrating for her. So the mantra of the week:
Slow down.
Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath.
And let's see where this thing goes.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Apparently bloggin in my basement on a lazy Sunday is becoming a tradition. Horror movie, check! Laundry, check!

Charting has been a little frustrating lately. I know it is only my first month and I need to have a number of months under my belt in order to really show any sort of pattern, but I have had lots of tell tale O signs and no positive OPK. I'm blaming it on my fact that I have only tested once a day and that I probably missed my surge. I've had some really fertile CM and a few hours of light spotting. My temp went up yesterday and while it is not as high today, it seems higher than the norm. So after a few more days of temping hopefully FF will help me pinpoint ovulation.

We have our orientation for the AI program we are going through on Thursday night and I'm so excited! I love coming home with lots of information to read!

Off to finish the laundry and enjoy a nice October beer!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Lazy Sunday

With the craziness of the next month or so, I sure am thankful for a lazy Sunday. A horror movie, a glass of red wine, and laundry. Soon to be followed by risotto made by J. and the season finale of 'True Blood!'

So after a ridiculous 2 hours of sleep Thursday night I didn't bother to temp on Friday morning. I actually forgot when I woke up in a zombie like state. I went to bed Friday night, woke up at 5:15 to temp and went back to sleep until 11:30. Upon checking my temp I noticed it had a huge spike. I know I'm not ovulating yet so I am blaming it on the crazy sleep cycle. Everything was back to normal this morning so I'll just move on.

I'm going to try to start adding blogs to my blog roll and hopefully get some readers here. Some of the best advice I have received have been from the TTC blogs I've been reading. I'd love to be a part of the community.

J. has promised to hop on soon and post some of her thoughts! Until then, have a great week.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

So much to say

How can I have such an urge to write in this blog when nothing has happened yet. I have simply started charting my cycle on Friday. CD 1!

We are lucky enough to live in an area that offers us an amazing opportunity to start our journey. We will be attending a meeting at the end of September that will go over the process of TTC and after a few months of careful charting we hope to begin in January!

Right now I think my focus needs to be on my physical and mental health. I need to reign in my eating habits, become more active and try to eliminate stress as much as possible. Although we have a lot of things going on in September and October I'm looking forward to trying to spend my time with J at home, watching movies, drinking tea and preparing our home for our eventual arrival!

I am also thinking about trying to take up knitting so I can make adorable little sweaters and hats and booties. A few years ago I learned how to make scarves but then had a nerve injury in my wrist that made it difficult to knit. I think I'm ready to get back on that horse!

I guess that is all I have to say right now. I'll continue to chart and chart! I'm sure I'll have a lot more to share after our meeting at the end of the month!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

First post!

Yesterday began the charting, so the blog has been set up!

Postings here from myself (and possibly J) will be a sounding board for our experience, from charting, to imsemination, to pregnancy and then to baby!

I've found TTC blogs super helpful in my research and I hope that this blog will be able to help others!