Holy crap!
We are just about a month away from our first insemination.
A MONTH?!?!?
How the heck did that happen?
Now don't get me wrong, I'm wicked excited about getting this party started.
I am.
It's just… S and I have been talking about this for years. Even when she started charting and going through the whole medical clearance process, it still seemed like something that was happening in some far off land we hadn't discovered yet.
But thats no longer the case. It's practically happening now!
We're disembarking the vessel and heading out onto the shores of some strange foreign territory.
It's weird.
It's exciting.
And admittedly, it's a little scary.
I have NO IDEA what to expect. None.
I know what other couples have gone though. I've read about the good, the bad and the ugly. The only constant I can find is there is no constant. Everyone is so different.
Will it take us 100 tries before our little Sea-Monkey hatches? Or will we get a big fat positive first time around?
How will S's mood change?
How will mine?
Do I have to strictly abide by the three golden rules:
1. Keep S away from water.
2. S hates bright light.
3. The most important rule. No matter how much she cries, no matter how much she begs, never, never feed S after midnight.
Can we keep level headed and relatively stress free?
Is this process going to consume us and turn us into pod people?
And when the day finally comes and we get that positive, will we be able to keep it under wraps for as long as we plan to? Or will I buy a billboard on 95 and advertise it to the entire state?
Wait… some of those may be gremlin rules, not TTC rules… never mind.
None the less. We're here.
Now who do I see about getting my passport stamped??
Q2: Choosing A Sperm Donor
4 years ago
Congrats, you guys are on your way! So exciting....